Where is political tolerance?

It has become a norm that when a politician leaves one party for another the recruiting side rejoices. The loosing side label the decamped member a traitor, the person insulted, persecuted, and told of how they were insignificant and not needed by the party they defected from.

But are we not all traitors or encouraging others to be traitors? We are, because all parties recruit new members, mainly from competitors. It is the nature of the game.

Yes, politics might be a dirty game, but the play does not have to be.  However, the level of vile behaviour displayed mostly on social network platforms such as on Facebook political groups is extreme and should be managed and condemned in the strongest possible terms by the party leaderships.  Floor-crossing is not a new thing to Botswana politics and is not expected to end because politicians, now and then, seek new political homes they believe will better serve their needs.

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