Biblical overtones of 2020 get harder to ignore
Friday, May 08, 2020

Fiery New Year: A year that began with flames in Australia is only getting worse PIC: PBS.ORG
Recently, social media in South Africa was abuzz, as citizens there noted a large star in the sky, appearing in the late afternoon and early evening. PANIC OVER STRANGE STAR screamed the Daily Sun on April 30, quoting residents as saying the celestial body’s appearance symbolised God’s anger. The tabloid quoted Prophet Floyd Mbazima as saying “the star clearly indicates that the year 2020 is a unique one with its difficulties”.
The star referred to was Venus, the planet second closest to the Sun, which is known locally as kopadilalelo and which often appears quite bright in the evening sky in April and May.
Kabo Morwaeng, a senior BDP figure known for always defending the President and also sent to do some shocking stuff in his capacity as a Minister, has defended the former Cabinet against claims it failed to advise ex-president Mokgweetsi Masisi, contributing to the party’s defeat. While he insists Cabinet discussions are “secret” and that the President holds “enormous power,” his defence misses a crucial point: Batswana deserve leaders...