Celebrating the long-term HIV survivors

Back to basics: HIV campaigns have been running since the 1980s, helped along by those brave enough to publicly declare their status
Back to basics: HIV campaigns have been running since the 1980s, helped along by those brave enough to publicly declare their status

Recently, Botswana joined other countries across the globe in celebrating long-term HIV Survivors Awareness Day, a day for honouring their resilience over the years. The day was also meant to remember HIV champions lost along the way. NNASARETHA KGAMANYANE reports

Over the decades, the country has seen a number of brave men and women living with HIV going public about their HIV positive status and sharing their stories with the public in a quest to fight against the pandemic and also to find its cure.

Those were the days when going public about being HIV positive was extremely hard due to stigma that was very prevalent at the time. It is through the contribution of these brave soldiers that the country has reached a great milestone in its fight against HIV and AIDS.

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