�Chewed but not swallowed�

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The Water Utilities Corporation’s (WUC) latest financials, for the year to March 2014, indicate an organisation trapped in the classic anecdote concerning biblical Jonah and the whale.

As told traditionally, a forgetful pastor tells his congregation that Jonah swallowed a whale, to which a watchful congregant points out that, actually, the whale swallowed Jonah.   The pastor, in turn, mumbles that all he remembers is that ‘something swallowed something else’.

In 2009, the corporation began an ambitious Water Sector Reforms Programme (WSRP) under which it would take over the supply of water to all urban centres and villages. The programme was informed by a study suggesting that Botswana needed to rationalise its water sector and ensure uniform service levels for all.

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BGCSE results: A call for gov't to act

The Botswana Examination Council (BEC) released the BGCSE results for students who sat for Form 5 examinations in 2024.Whilst initially BEC released that only 3,673 candidates scored 36 points and above, the number was corrected to 6,521 during a press conference, which was held on Friday at the BEC boardroom.The set cut-off for government sponsorship is 36 points and sadly this means that only 6,521 will be eligible for the support and the...

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