Lamentations of jobseekers

Despair: Mmegi's Gabathuse with some of the job seekers at the Francistown Labour offices. PIC: CHRISTINAH MOTLHABANE
Despair: Mmegi's Gabathuse with some of the job seekers at the Francistown Labour offices. PIC: CHRISTINAH MOTLHABANE

FRANCISTOWN: It is Thursday morning and already the city’s run-away temperatures are forcing jobseekers at the Francistown labour offices in the industrial site to crawl under the trees.

But just as they seek heat refuge under the trees, they emerge like a colony of bees when a vehicle enters the labour offices yard. Mainly youthful jobseekers crowd around it in search of what they call mowelo in the street lingo. Mowelo means any menial job that can be offered on the day as long as it can pay, normally as little as P60 per day.

Uninitiated, the Mmegi crew is lost as the young men and women who frequent the labour offices shout the word that has become key and their only hope as they daily search for elusive jobs.

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