
Motokwe children deprived of life-saving immunisation

Stepping in: Obakeng is amongst shebeen owners in Motokwe taking the lead to encourage their regulars to immunise young children PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG
Stepping in: Obakeng is amongst shebeen owners in Motokwe taking the lead to encourage their regulars to immunise young children PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG

Many children in Motokwe village, Kweneng face a bleak future due to negligence and alcohol abuse by parents. Health authorities have even engaged shebeen queens to encourage mothers to keep up with their children’s immunisation schedules, writes NNASARETHA KGAMANYANE

Motokwe is a village in the Kweneng District facing challenges such as alcohol abuse, which is largely linked to high unemployment and lack of opportunities.

However, while alcohol abuse is common in many villages around the country, in Motokwe, it has led to a surge in child negligence resulting in many children not taking their immunisation vaccines. Health authorities in the area say many children in the village and surrounding areas are prone to malnutrition.

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