The classroom: A dangerous place

Students in a classroom. PIC MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Students in a classroom. PIC MORERI SEJAKGOMO

Recently on social media, I was truly shocked to see corporal punishment being administered at a junior secondary school in Gaborone. The video showed one male teacher beating a female student on the buttocks whilst she was lying on the ground. Other teachers surrounded them, writes Mmegi Correspondent GRAHAME MCLEOD

TONOTA: Teachers face many challenges in their work, one of which is classroom discipline. In some cases, pupils have even threatened their teachers with knives and similar weapons. And that makes the classroom a potentially dangerous place where the safety of the teacher may be at stake. So, discipline in schools is now becoming an issue of growing concern.

However, this important aspect of teaching is sadly overlooked, or not fully dealt with, in our colleges of education. Student teachers may receive much instruction on methods of teaching or how to prepare teaching aids, but they may still leave college not equipped to deal with indiscipline in the schools where they will later teach. School discipline simply refers to the actions taken by the school towards students when their behaviour disrupts educational activity, or breaks school rules.

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