The collapse of Moeng College
Friday, March 20, 2020
MOENG COLLEGE: The 2019 Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Examinations (BGCSE) tell the story of a collapsed giant that Moeng College was known for in the years of yore: In the academic circles.
Out of 34 senior secondary schools, Moeng was lucky to be number 32 after garnering 16.7 percent and has otherwise been on an accelerated downward spiral.
Sadly, we live in a society that seems to be losing its moral fibre by the day.When parents take their children to a boarding school they do so to give them a brighter future, not to have some dirty paedophilic predator to prey on them. Sex orientation is a touchy subject and for young minds to be sexualised at a young age by a grown man perpetrating harm on them by cutting through their sphincter muscle to penetrate their anal canal. Anyone can...