The good and the bad of politics in 2016

Tsholetsa Domkrag: BDP members during the 36th national congress in Mmadinare. PIC: KEOAGILE BONANG
Tsholetsa Domkrag: BDP members during the 36th national congress in Mmadinare. PIC: KEOAGILE BONANG

This was one of the most interesting years for politics, characterised by sadness due to unprecedented number of deaths of elected representatives. Despite all these, parties held successful congresses to choose their leadership and strategic meetings as preparation for the 2019 general elections. However, each party had its own ups and downs.


The party would believe this was their blessed and progressive year as it managed to parade hundreds of new members who were defecting from opposition parties. The defection led to the collapse of some of the structures of opposition parties. However, the BDP had its own challenges especially with regard to the party leadership when President Ian Khama steps down in 2018.

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