The principal architect of his own political demise

Hoist by his own petard: Mugabe
Hoist by his own petard: Mugabe

Southern African Development Community (SADC) is apparently engaged in a conspiracy of silence while a loyal member, Zimbabwe has reached a boiling point. Mmegi Staff Writer RYDER GABATHUSE & SIKI MOTSHWARI JOHANNESS appreciate the SADC Troika’s meeting in Gaborone yesterday but insist that it is time that SADC proves its mettle in conflict resolution including the case of Zimbabwe, which directly needs its intervention. As for Robert Mugabe, he simply has himself to blame for holding onto power for far too long

It is a bloodless military coup. Zimbabwe is now under a military junta. The army claims that what it has done does not amount to a coup and they have chosen to play a semantics game and branded their action  ‘bloodless correction.’

But actions on the ground clearly prove that the army is being economical with the truth possibly to escape the wrath and condemnation of the world. Unfortunately for the army to have taken action of this nature, the route is just one: It is a coup de tat, bloody or bloodless. The army had boastfully paraded its toys of war in the streets of Harare and around the state house and kept Mugabe and his family including some members of his ruling elite closest to him, under house arrest. This amounts to a coup when the normal operations of a democratically elected government are taken over by the military. Military coups are not common in the SADC region except for the military mutinees common in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

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