Understanding perpetrators and victims of rape

Caution against the possibility of rape is becoming increasingly important in Botswana. The trend of rape and currently threat to rape has caught the attention of our local media. Just recently there were reports about a man who threatened to rape a little girl and a rapist who abducted a woman along Kgale/block 9 road (The Monitor, February 02/15).

What is rape?

Rape is commonly understood to describe a situation where one person uses force to sexually assault another person. What this means is that the victim did not have any consent regarding the sexual activity and that the perpetrator had physical power over the victim. In places such as New Mexico, the concept of rape has been expanded to include those situations in which the position of authority can be used to exploit a person sexually (Groth, N, 2001). The implication here is that an authoritative figure like an educator, for instance, could still be convicted of rape, even if the “victim” was of the legal age of consent and no physical force was used. The concept of rape, therefore, slightly varies between countries.

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