It�s no longer business as usual at BFA

The new Botswana Football Association (BFA) chief executive officer, Kitso Kemoeng is streetwise enough to know when to pick up battles or rather know when to be firm or when to pamper his subordinates.

He has been in sport management for almost his entire life and should be a cut above the rest. While at the Botswana National Sports Council (BNSC), he steered the organisation away from unnecessary controversy and indiscipline.  In fact, one of the major problems for the BFA secretariat has been lack of discipline where leakage of confidential information has been done with impunity.  ‘KK’ as Kemoeng is popularly known,  has already suspended two senior managers, Philemon Makhwengwe and technical director, Ben Kgomela pending a disciplinary hearing. Kgomela is not new to controversy as this is his second suspension while that of Makhwengwe is a bit surprising. Although Makhwengwe is an outspoken person, he has managed to steer clear of controversies surrounding the association.

My worry though is about Kgomela. Since his appointment there have been a lot of fights where he has been implicated. Perhaps what the staff at the BFA secretariat ought to know is that unlike before, it will have to toe the line.  It cannot be business as usual anymore as ‘KK’ is under pressure to restore the image of the association’s secretariat, which has in the past largely underperformed. Having successfully led the BNSC secretariat where he served under different chairpersons and football being his first love, he would not like to disappoint the soccer fraternity.

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