Is Africa ready to copy the European model?

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A lot of arguments have been presented as to whether or not the United States of Africa would be an achievable dream. Those who had the opportunity to attend the Tripoli summit were adamant that indeed it was an eye opener.

Some argued that the baby cannot be thrown away with the bath water and others argued that now Africa was being led in the right direction after a long period of exploitation. Whether that is true or not shall not be the main focus of this contribution.
It is the argument position held by the Nigerian state under the leadership of Umaru Yar'Adua that raised such writing.

The Nigerian State believes and remains adamant that the European Union is the right model to follow towards achieving a federation of African governments. Whilst it is evident that there is much to emulate from the EU, there remains the nagging question: 'Do conditions in the African political environs allow the continent to follow that path, or do they allow for a federation of such a nature at all?

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