Westwood parents not school operators - CoA

Parents of children enrolled at Westwood International School have lost rights to be recognised and declared as legal members under the school’s new constitution.

The Court of Appeal (CoA) recently denied the parents any rights after seeking a declaratory order for their rights as legal members of the school, in accordance with Articles of Association adopted in 1988 by the school. The parents, who have been embroiled in a legal battle with the school management, argued that the school unilaterally changed its constitution with the result that they no longer have a say in its running and have no votes at Annual General Meetings (AGMs).

The appeal followed a High Court judgement by Justice Abednico Tafa, who had ruled in favour of the school.

Editor's Comment
Women in Politics caucus NGO, a welcome development

In the 2014 General Election, women who stood for parliamentary elections were a mere 17 out of a total of 192 aspirants, and sadly the number dropped to 11 out of 210 parliamentary aspirants in the 2019 General Election. Hopefully, registration of the Women in Politics Caucus will give women the necessary support to join politics. While things were slowly improving, women for a long time were at the receiving end as compared to their male...

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