Arts night at Rail Park food court


Rail Park Mall will host an Arts Performance Night aimed at raising the profile of Botswana’s diverse artistic talents on May 3, 2019 at its food court area.

The event will run from 7pm–10pm, and is expected to attract Botswana’s creatives ranging from poets, musicians and dancers.  Hosted in collaboration with AFDA Botswana (AFDA BW College) - a film, TV and live performance school, the Arts Performance Night is a platform where all art forms will be blended to cater for all art lovers featuring Gauta Eyman, Fifi Afrika and Amogelang Moatlhaping just to name but a few.

“This event is the first of its kind at Rail Park Mall and therefore the success of the upcoming event will guide us in deciding whether we will host it again next year,” Rail Park Mall marketing executive Keletso Sebogodi said.

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