Bouncy responds with Up in the Kitchen


A few months ago, it was reported in one of the local tabloids that musician Maureen ‘Bouncy’ Maila was working as a maid for her record label boss, Mischelle Gaofano.

Instead of ranting or pining about it, she just shrugged it off with a laugh and then went into action. She went into a different kind of kitchen and cooked up a storm.

Silently, went into the studio and composed a song making a mockery of the scenario.

Editor's Comment
Is our screening adequate?

Sadly, we live in a society that seems to be losing its moral fibre by the day.When parents take their children to a boarding school they do so to give them a brighter future, not to have some dirty paedophilic predator to prey on them. Sex orientation is a touchy subject and for young minds to be sexualised at a young age by a grown man perpetrating harm on them by cutting through their sphincter muscle to penetrate their anal canal. Anyone can...

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