Dance troupe seeks positive change
Friday, October 05, 2018

Kalatsakgale Traditional Troupe do not only want to be seen and known through dance
Kalatsakgale aims to venture into business to diversify opportunities as they look for sponsorships. Group spokesperson, Tshepo Tsela took Arts & Culture in to their confidence talking about their serious ambitions. First, they do not only want to be seen and known through dance. They want to spread their wings,but without wandering to far from their cultural leaning.
“We also aim to establish a traditional music academy where we can groom upcoming artists from grassroot level,” Tsela announced.
Kabo Morwaeng, a senior BDP figure known for always defending the President and also sent to do some shocking stuff in his capacity as a Minister, has defended the former Cabinet against claims it failed to advise ex-president Mokgweetsi Masisi, contributing to the party’s defeat. While he insists Cabinet discussions are “secret” and that the President holds “enormous power,” his defence misses a crucial point: Batswana deserve leaders...