
From a nobody, MC CBD makes strides

Bokang Sebe, whose stage name is MC CBD, grew up traversing from one place to another, which influenced his career path.
Bokang Sebe, whose stage name is MC CBD, grew up traversing from one place to another, which influenced his career path.

Bokang Sebe, whose stage name is MC CBD, grew up traversing from one place to another, which influenced his career path.

The 27-year-old Serowe native says the challenges and experiences of adapting to the different cultures built the skills, confidence and opportunities for him to transition into a career of Master of Ceremonies or MC as it is often called. He adds that as someone who was always energetic during his high school days, taking part in the entertainment section, it also played a role in his career choice. He also says since he had the voice, he decided to channel the energy towards hyping people up. He said seeing them happy gives him satisfaction.

“I started MCeeing in 2017 at MKOP Lounge. From there I navigated to Cigar in Phakalane in 2018 where Gabsdiva was my mentor. She is the one who honed my skills through lessons like voice projection and timing (when to engage with the crowd) just to name but a few. Then COVID-19 happened, which resulted in a break. After the pandemic, I became a resident MC at DC Tours known as ‘Ko Passengeng’ where I got recognition since I was part of the team that started it,” he told Arts&Culture.

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