Hey Nyeenaah seeks support to donate clothes for Qwaqwa kids

Hey Nyeenaah says he would appreciate anyone or company to help him with transportation to Qwaqwa.PIC.KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Hey Nyeenaah says he would appreciate anyone or company to help him with transportation to Qwaqwa.PIC.KENNEDY RAMOKONE

Giving something without expecting anything in return is said to be one of life's greatest gifts. Whilst donating or volunteering, donors explore and find their inner strengths, thus nourishing self-growth and development.

A young, energetic and vibrant local master of ceremonies (MC) who is also a social media sensation, Theo Bome from Kanye, who is also famed as Hey Nyeenaah, has found it fit to give back to the community. He has identified his young fans who were contesting in a beauty pageantry at Qwaqwa village recently. The young contestants were named after local artists such as ATI, Franco and Hey Nyeenaah, something that he wholeheartedly appreciated. He said he had therefore called on other local talents in the likes of the Kwasa Kwasa legend Franco, ATI and Vee Mampeezy to partake in his gesture and donate some money as a way of thanking the children for recognising local artists.

He said so far Franco and Afro Musica has donated P1, 000 while ATI’s management promised to do their part and he also donated P2, 000. He added that there were a few companies that also made their donations. He called on the public at large and companies to assist with more donations saying that he wanted to send the gifts through a Post Office but the public advised him to go donate the clothes in person as the children would appreciate it. He said since the village needed an off road vehicle, he would appreciate anyone or company to help him with transportation to Qwaqwa.

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