Masilo Takes Ngwao Letshwao To Australia

Gabane cultural dance group Ngwao Letshwao say they are grateful to Gabane businessman and elder Duke Masilo who used his contacts to help them travel to Canberra, Australia to promote Botswana cultural heritage during the month of Botswana independence celebrations. Ngwao Letshwao lead man Odirile Rammoni says assistance was hard to come-by when Duke Masilo, also the coordinator of the Presidential Housing Appeal, was approached to chip in with just two weeks left before the trip to Australia.

"It was a desperate measure on our part knocking on his doors at that very last minute.  We had hoped that our area MP, being a member of parliament (Edward Raletobana) with contacts in parliament and cabinet, will help us easily.  In fact the MP had invited us to his office and promised to do his all to help us realise our Australian dream, and we came to his office to lay down our plan, but we were running out of time with no  positive outcome; fortunately  when we approached Masilo, another Gabane elder, our dream unbelievably came true," he said. 

Rammoni said Masilo managed to talk to sponsors like Botswana Tourism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "He managed to convince the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to waiver our visa requirements, and we managed to get those visas for free and hussle-free; we managed to go and sell Gabane and our beloved Botswana in Australia through what we know best, traditional dance and music.

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We should care more for our infrastructure, road safety

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