
Mokgosi uses art to preserve culture

Mokgosi uses art 
to preserve culture
Mokgosi uses art to preserve culture

Artists are inspired by different things such as nature, animals, people and even loved ones to create their masterpieces.

For Moleboge Mokgosi, a self-taught visual artist, her main interest is to capture the Setswana culture in a contemporary way. As such, she wants to encapsulate her culture through the gaze of a young Kalanga woman that she is. Mokgosi’s art focuses mainly on illustrative drawings, acrylic paintings and digital art. She said her artwork plays with the material culture of Batswana and depicts the nostalgic enamelware in a playful and humourous manner. “I grew up around a creative family and I was inspired by my big brother who studied art at Naledi Senior Secondary School. Going through his portfolio, I just wanted to be exactly like him.

I am a self-taught artist, although I did take up an art class at Madiba Senior Secondary School. I was initially rejected from Art class because of my inexperience but I decided to attend anyway and learnt by observing other students. Art is my passion and I believe it’s an excellent career path for any creative who wants to share their art with the world,” she explained. So far, she said the reception of her work has been amazing. She added that Batswana are her biggest supporters adding that she would not be there without them. She added that she had a digital piece called ‘Magwinya’ that had really stood out saying it represented her humourous side, which was by far one of her favourite pieces.

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