Organisers of Poetavango Festival keen to avoid another 'bikini' embarrassment

TJ Dema
TJ Dema

MAUN: The annual Maun poetry festival returns bigger and better this year with organisers keen to avoid another 'bikini' embarrassment.

To prevent a repeat of last year’s incident when local poet, Berry Heart appeared on stage in a red bikini and declared her love for President Ian Khama in her performance, the organisers have organised a dress rehearsal. The eccentric attire and poem received a lot of publicity even internationally.

It divided opinion in Botswana with some saying the poet’s content and stage attire bordered on pornography. One of the organisers of the show, Legodile Seganabeng has said that this year, all poets taking part in the main act will be subjected to screening in a rehearsal. He said that art is divisive by nature and what is deemed offensive by some people may be viewed differently by others. Hence trying to set standards for the artists is difficult but at the same time, there has to be monitoring to ensure the festival conforms to the accepted societal ethics.

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