Poets win big with BTC Foundation sponsorship

From the spinsorship amount the poetry entity received P769,186
From the spinsorship amount the poetry entity received P769,186

This week a poetry entity dubbed Black African Poets alongside other community project groups received a staggering P1.7 million from BTC Foundation. From the sponsorship amount the poetry entity received P769,186, which is a fortune for the poetry industry as it hardly ever gets funding.

With the funds Black African Poets is expected to host an annual BTC Foundation Poetry Festival. Monthly Poetry Nights will augment the Poetry festival throughout the country.

“We are very delighted and fortunate to be awarded this opportunity. Applying for funding is not an easy task as our visions and objectives are rarely in line with organisations we seek funding from. We vow to adhere to the terms and conditions of the MoU signed today,” a delighted deputy chairperson of Black African Poets Rasina Rasina said during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). 

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