
Single Fabstarz hosts Fashion Mob Show


After undergoing transformation and seeing growth in clientele base over the years, clothing brand Single Fabstarz will host its first installment of the Fashion Mob Show at the Airport Junction Mall in Gaborone on April 22.

The founder of Single Fabstarz, Lekang Makhiwa told Arts & Culture that the purpose of the show is to make Batswana aware of the thriving fashion industry and also increase brand awareness. Makhiwa said the Fashion Mob Show would also be an opportunity to showcase some of their latest brands on the racks. The Fashion Mob is scheduled to start at 4pm.

“Customers should also look out for our new collection being displayed in store and by the strutting models. This will also offer patrons a new shopping experience on the day while they will also stand a chance to walk away with free goodies,” she said.

Makhiwa said this would be the first installment of their Fashion Mob Show and they are planning to host more in the future as part of a strategy to position themselves locally as the fashion store of choice. She explained that they saw it fit to host the show after enduring the two years due to COVID-19. She said due to movement restrictions as well as loss of income by some of her clientele, they lost so much business in the process.

However, she stated that it was during this time that she discovered the power of digital marketing. “It was really tough during [the height of] COVID-19 but through a stern digital marketing strategy, that’s how we managed to pull through,” she added.

From humble beginnings, Single Fabstarz has grown in leaps and bounds since its establishment in 2012. From making sales from the back of her car to owning a store in one of the high-end malls in the country, Makhiwa has transformed Single Fabstarz into one of the biggest brands in fashion.

The brand has really grown from having just regular clients to having clients from other countries, with the owner stating that they have clientele from as far as Ireland and Canada.

With the winter season already upon us, the Fashion Mob Show could present an opportunity for fashion enthusiasts to get something stylish to match the season.

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