Tour guiding is important to tourism � Madikwe

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Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism, Goitseone Madikwe, has highlighted the importance of tour guiding in the tourism industry. A tour guide is a person who directs tourists and offers them relevant information about the place they are visiting, while interpreting the cultural and natural heritage of an area.

Speaking at a tour guiding book launch at the University of Botswana (UB) last week, Madikwe indicated that being a very good tour guide is a challenging job and that for many tourists, the tour guide plays a key role in the enjoyment of the trip.

“As most of you would know, especially those that have taken a guided tour, if you encounter a bad tour guide, one who isn’t very knowledgeable, or has poor communication skills, it can really negatively affect the quality of your experience and also your ultimate decision to recommend the guide or tour company to other tourists,” she said.

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