Vee Mampeezy's Music Video lords over PDC

Vee Mampeezy shaking hands with President Masisi at the PDC awards recently PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Vee Mampeezy shaking hands with President Masisi at the PDC awards recently PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

Multi-award-winning musician Odirile Sento won the Best Music Video award at the President’s Day Competitions (PDC). Famously known as Vee Mampeezy the decorated artist now hails his music videographer, Karabo Molema popularly known as Jack Bohloko for a job well done.

“I released Dololo last year and the best part was working with Jack Bohloko. He was able to visualise every single thing that I wanted,” Vee Mampeezy told Arts & Culture in an interview.  He added that Jack Bohloko is one of the easiest people to work with and also very much talented. So far Vee Mampeezy has worked with the producer in three videos being Dololo, Dumalana and the recent one called ‘I love you’. Dumalana video recently breached a million views on Youtube becoming the fastest local music video to reach the feat.

According to some observers, Vee Mampeezy’s win at the PDC is not a surprise as he is an artist who likes to invest in his music videos.

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