3671 students drop out


The number of children of school going age (4-19) in Botswana who do not attend school stands at 3,671, Assistant Minister of Education and Skills Development Aubrey Lesaso has revealed.

Responding to a question in Parliament, Lesaso added that of the above figure, 1,105 is the number of dropouts in primary schools while 2,566 student dropouts are from secondary schools. The dropout rate for primary schools is 0.3 percent whereas at the secondary level the rate is 1.3 percent.

Lesaso was responding to questions from Ngami Member of Parliament (MP), Caterpillar Hikuama who had asked among others the causes or reasons for dropping out of school. “Main reasons for dropouts are dissertation and truancy, while the other reasons are religion, abuse by parents, substance abuse, bullying, teenage pregnancy, early marriages, illness, expulsion and fees in private schools,” he disclosed. He said children who are out of school are those that have once been at school but dropped out due to various reasons and have not returned to school.

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