
BDP primaries: More fireworks, twists and turns

BDP primaries: More fireworks, twists and turns
BDP primaries: More fireworks, twists and turns

After the first round of the Botswana Democratic Party’s (BDP) primary elections claimed scalps of some of the party’s big names, this weekend’s second and last round promises even more fireworks and surprises. Staffers GOITSEMODIMO KAELO and TSAONE BASIMANEBOTLHE take a look at the constituencies and the candidates


The Minister of Justice, Machana Ronald Shamukuni, has won this constituency for the ruling party for the past two general elections after wrestling it from opposition, the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) in 2014. However, he does not have his work cut out for him this weekend to advance to the general election and continue his streak. He faces tough competition from nominated councillor, Paul Matshelane Chabaesele and Luckson Likokoto. The incumbent area Member of Parliament (MP) Shamukuni, had triumphed against Likokoto in 2018 but talk on the ground is that the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) members on the ground prefer the latter. This is going to be a showdown, which might see another Cabinet minister bite the dust. Ngami BDP secretary-general, Kavis Kario, is surely looking to make a comeback to Parliament. The former Selebi-Phikwe West legislator and Assistant Minister of Education and Skills Development is taking on Mpepisang Tuyereke and Lelejwang Sokwe. Kario has emerged as the favourite to come out tops but Bulela Ditswe has its surprises. It provides for a very interesting battle.

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