FCC encourages WDC formations

Francistown Civic Centre PIC: KEOAGILE BONANG
Francistown Civic Centre PIC: KEOAGILE BONANG

FRANCISTOWN: Francistown City Council (FCC) has urged the city’s Ward Development Committees (WDC) to form cooperatives to diversify their sources of income.

Speaking at the ongoing WDCs capacity-building workshop held at Adansonia Hotel, FCC’s community development officer, Goitsemodimo Ramacha said that they have realised a majority of their WDCs do not have assets, something that contributes to the delay of the city’s development.

“We are concerned that (a) majority of the WDCs here do not have sustainable projects, but we believe that forming cooperatives could help WDCs have their own assets.  Those assets could help develop your wards,” said Ramacha.

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