IEC targets youth as its foot soldiers

The Independent Electoral Commission of Botswana (IEC) has identified 65 youth leaders from all regions in the country to be its voice in disseminating electoral information. The leaders will impart information to other youth and the general public in their communities.

Speaking to Mmegi at a workshop for the group at Oasis Motel in Tlokweng, IEC spokesperson Osupile Maroba said they chose the young leaders based on their commitment to their communities."We chose ones who have the spirit of volunteering and those that really showed interest and mostly understanding of this initiative," Maroba said.  He pointed out that they would be drilling the leaders on the objectives of the IEC and its part in the elections at the two-day workshop.He said the IEC realised that young people feel comfortable when talking to each other and they mostly believe in youth to youth education.

Officially opening the workshop, IEC commissioner Ditlhogo Nelson said the youth in the country were starting to take a keen interest in issues of democracy, elections and governance. "All this made IEC embark on this youth involvement initiative as they will be in decision making positions in future and their capacity building in matters of civic engagement is therefore key to their development," he said. 
He hoped that at the end of the workshop, they would have a group of dedicated youth who will be ready and willing to spread the gospel of the ballot for participatory democracy that is inclusive of all members of the electorate, chiefly the youth.

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