Insurance killer condemned to death

Thato Tsametsi be takeng away from Lobatse High Court to Central Maximum Prison in Gaborone PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Thato Tsametsi be takeng away from Lobatse High Court to Central Maximum Prison in Gaborone PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

LOBATSE: Seven years after being gruesomely murdered by his cousin, Arnold Ofentse, the 16-year-old deceased student and his tormented family have finally gotten justice.

Lobatse High Court's Justice Modiri Letsididi sentenced Thato Tsametse, who was at the committal of the offence 29 years old, to death last Thursday. According to Letsididi, Tsametse mercilessly murdered his helpless little cousin and deserves no lesser sentence. Justice Letsididi found no extenuating circumstances that could help Tsametse get a lesser sentence.

Considering all the evidence presented, the judge found Tsametse guilty of killing Ofentse, who was a Form 2 student staying with his aunt, Tsametse's mother. Ofentse's lifeless body was found in the vicinity of Mogoditshane Senior Secondary School in March 2018 after disappearing with no trace.

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