Irate vendors storm FCC

Francistown street vendors. PIC: KEOAGILE BONANG
Francistown street vendors. PIC: KEOAGILE BONANG

FRANCISTOWN: Hordes of visibly angry street vendors here stormed the deputy mayor’s office accusing the city council by-law officers of severe harassment.

The deputy mayor, Lechedzani Modenga cut a worried figure as the irate vendors narrated their ordeals to him.

The vendors contend that the city council’s by-law officials confiscated their stock and makeshift shades from a storage facility they had hired, a move they said was unprocedural. The goods are said to have been confiscated on Thursday night.  The vendors allege that they agreed with city officials that they should dismantle their makeshift shades when they knock off. They said that they have been taking off their shades as well as cleaning their operational space constantly, but the council continues to confiscate their goods under the pretext that they are not well kept and make the city look untidy.

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