
Prisons praised for rehabilitation effort

Mmusi said the psycho-social support services come in handy to complete a whole changed person PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG
Mmusi said the psycho-social support services come in handy to complete a whole changed person PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG

The Minister of Defence and Security, Kagiso Mmusi, has applauded the Botswana Prisons Service (BPS) for continued efforts towards rehabilitation of inmates who have thus far proven to be committed and dedicated to shape and change their lives for the better.

Mmusi said he was confident that coupled with the skills training, the psycho-social support services come in handy to complete a whole changed person, who is responsible, productive and law abiding.

The minister made the remarks at the ground breaking ceremony of the refurbishment of six staff houses to be completed entirely by prison labour at the prison complex in Gaborone this week.

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