Sekai, Mothibe, Kgafela's brothers, square up

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The Kgatleng bogosi saga this year took a new twist with simmering tension between deputy chief Bana Sekai and reinstated President of the Customary Court of Appeal, Mothibe Linchwe, coming to the fore as well as Kgafela's brothers, Mmusi and Bakgatle. Mmegi Correspondent writes LERATO MALEKE

Though the fight between the two loyalists comes a long way, animosity between Mothibe and Sekai flared up after Kgosi Kgolo Kgafela Kgafela appointed the latter as deputy chief. In the royal lineage Mothibe ranks higher than Sekai and by virtue of this he felt it was only proper that he should have been appointed instead of Sekai. He felt belittled and was annoyed when he was overlooked.

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