Visually impaired learners to fight corruption

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Government has ‘heightened’ the fight against corruption through the provision of Braille material to 220 visually impaired learners and young people.

Keeping in line with the social inclusion policy, the Ministry of Education and Skills Development produced 100 anti-corruption Braille materials and 400 posters among other things. These were handed over to 125 primary schools. Up to 65 students in secondary schools were given materials while 30 from vocational training institutions benefited.

Handing over the materials at Pudulugong Rehabilitation Centre in Mochudi this week, the Assistant Minister of Education, Moiseraele Goya said while the country has made significant efforts on the economic side, corruption continued to threaten all the gains.  As a result, the nation could not afford to rest on its laurels, he said. 

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