
BCP committed to opposition unity


The BCP Central Committee held an emergency meeting on 12th March 2022 to discuss the way forward regarding the Bophirima ward by-election.

Before we share the resolutions, we wish to state that the Botswana Congress Party is committed to the collaboration of opposition parties in Botswana to unseat the BDP. We, however, strongly believe that this cooperation should be based on shared values, in particular, the best interests of Botswana, democracy, rule of law and mutual respect.

1). It is our wish that members of the cooperating parties of UDC, including the BNF, will desist from speaking as some now do about the UDC constitution and democracy in the coalition. No leader, and no party, that disrespects the constitution, democracy, its partners and its members, is fit to lead.

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We should care more for our infrastructure, road safety

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