Feeding children’s brains

Parents also need to ensure that their home is a conducive environment for their children to do their homework PIC: PHATSIMO KWAPENG
Parents also need to ensure that their home is a conducive environment for their children to do their homework PIC: PHATSIMO KWAPENG

Children who are well guided and brought up at home are more likely to grow up to become responsible citizens in the future, writes Mmegi Correspondent GRAHAME MCLEOD

TONOTA: But, unfortunately, we see in many households a different scenario, especially in those headed by a single parent, usually the mother. Such a parent may be burdened with so many responsibilities - working full time, guiding the children, cleaning the house, washing clothes, cooking... In order to lighten her load, when the children return home from school they may be given chores to do, such as sweeping the yard, washing clothes, cooking... So, by the time that they have finished these, they may be too tired to concentrate on their studies! At least, in those homes where both parents are present, these responsibilities can be shared between them and so more time can be spent in better raising the children.

However, lack of parental guidance may also be due to other reasons. At present, education in Botswana is free, or at minimal cost, for those on low incomes or are unemployed. This may lead to some parents not showing an active interest in their children’s education at school. And if their children fail at school, no problem! Since they have not contributed to the cost of their education, then they have not lost, or wasted, any money.

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