the monitor

Guest Column

Reputation and Brand Management: An Afterthought for Many Organisations in Botswana
Reputation and Brand Management: An Afterthought for Many Organisations in Botswana

Reputation and Brand Management: An Afterthought for Many Organisations in Botswana

Imagine waking up to find your organisation on the front page of every newspaper and trending online for all the wrong reasons. The headlines could range from false accusations to the leak of highly confidential information, prompting the Board to convene an emergency meeting to address the crisis.

In such a scenario, how confident are you that your organisation could recover with minimal damage? What kind of reputational and brand management plan do you have in place for emergencies? Which number do you have on speed dial should anything pose a threat to your organisation's reputation?

Editor's Comment
Khama, gov't should cooperate

Firstly, the government must play its part in facilitating this transition. The role of Kgosi isn't merely ceremonial; it carries substantial responsibilities and influence within the community. Therefore, the government must ensure that all legal and procedural requirements are met to support Khama's return. This includes providing the necessary resources and administrative support to uphold the integrity of the Kgotla and its...

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