Action for Jobs, a story of hope In 2021
Friday, January 15, 2021
The Action for Jobs story starts one afternoon after an intense strategy planning session projected a depleted marketplace in the not so distant future. Consumption has been on free-fall since 1989, but the fall gained speed from 2005. In this period our economy hemorrhaged jobs and failed to create new ones for the many who graduated.
Against similar trends globally, this future threatened us into action. We saw how the continued unemployment of our fellow citizens weakened the marketplace further and exposed the business space to great risk. Suddenly, concerns on the risk of growing unemployment expressed by Botswana government over the last couple of decades became alive before us. A shrinking economy can never be good for business!
Sadly, we live in a society that seems to be losing its moral fibre by the day.When parents take their children to a boarding school they do so to give them a brighter future, not to have some dirty paedophilic predator to prey on them. Sex orientation is a touchy subject and for young minds to be sexualised at a young age by a grown man perpetrating harm on them by cutting through their sphincter muscle to penetrate their anal canal. Anyone can...