BNF condems declaration of Salbany as prohibited immigrant


The Botswana National Front (BNF) strongly condemns the recent declaration of lawyer and human rights activist Joao Carlos Salbany as a prohibited immigrant (PI) in Botswana by the new President Masisi administration.

The Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) led government continues its systematic purging, intimidation, hatred and onslaught on Batswana and foreigners who freely expresses their views. These are calculated desperate ploys by the BDP to silence all those it suspects to sympathise with the opposition.

Salbany joins another long list of BDP blacklisted, deported and prohibited immigrants like Basarwa lawyer Gordon Bennett, former University of Botswana lecturer Professor Kenneth Good, South African youthful politician and Economic Freedom Fighters President Julius Malema, United States actor Rick Yune, just to mention a few. Their main crime is that they are suspected to sympathise with the opposition parties and advocating for activists. Salbany freely expressed his views on several national and topical issues like Presidential succession in Botswana, reception of gifts by a retiring President from the poor Batswana and offering legal services to private media houses, opposition parties and trade unions. To the BDP led government that does not respect human rights, these are atrocious and treasonable crimes.

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