Boko's response to SONA 2018 [full text]


Response delivered by Duma Boko Leader Of Opposition and president of the Umbrella For Democratic Change (UDC) in parliament this afternoon.


1.         I begin, as always I should, on a note of piety; of fond humility. The philosopher Plato tells us that piety refers to the reverent attachment to the sources of good in your life and the people who have given so much to allow you to be whom and what you are. I acknowledge gratefully, the people of this great Republic who continue to repose so much faith and confidence in the Umbrella for Democratic Change. I thank the residents of Gaborone Bonnington North who trusted me with their vote and afforded me the privilege to be their trumpet voice in this House. I urge them to register in large numbers and seize the opportunity of 2019, to vote in a new and revolutionary government.

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We should care more for our infrastructure, road safety

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