My Leader, Stop The Mayhem, It Does Not Suit You! An Open Letter To Comrade Edward Tswaipe

My leader, I have read in the newspapers that you have since become BOPEU’s new centre of attraction, albeit in a rather unusual way.

It is a difficult moment writing to you from the terrains of absolute confusion. Having sat in your class and enjoyed your teachings, which I must point out have enlightened me, grown me and produced the leader in me, I am utterly disappointed at the unfolding debacle between you and your employer.

The last time I had this kind of an encounter with a leader was with Comrade Oaitse Diane Patle, the then veteran trade unionist whose lack of tact and mischief has thrown all that he once stood for into the dustbins of history. I do not wish this for you my leader. I wish that you could remain the marvellous teacher that you have been to us all along.

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