National vision or national nightmare?

BNF members
BNF members

In 1995 when the Botswana National Front (BNF) launched its Social Democratic Programme (SDP) , it created a lot of excitement, particularly that it came a year after the party had done so well in the 1994 General Elections.

The good performance by the party worried the ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) and its handlers. Its legitimacy was battered and shaky. as we registered the highest number of seats ever won by the opposition. As one of the strategies adopted by the BDP to counter the rise in the popularity of the BNF, a national task force was set up to consult the nation and come with national aspirations. It sought to divert people’s attention and create false hope. Make them believe that the ruling party was caring and doing something about the national challenges.

As a result of this exercise, a national vision was born. It was envisaged that by year 2016 we would have achieved a number of set targets. This led to these pillars;

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