Nationalism Should Never Be Confused With Patriotism

We would like to contribute to the above topic as the argument has been in public domain for a long time and to our surprise it seems more people are using the two words interchangeably without any problem. Our discussion will be in three part being nationalism versus patriotism, retail reservation policy for citizens and wealth creation summit as opposed to job summit.

Nationalism is loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests. We used nationalism to achieve this supremacy of nation building. A good example is when we gained independence in 1966 all of us shared a common vision and our objectives were very clear for all to understand that was to do away with our tribal identity and occupy a common platform that will deliver numerous opportunities to all our citizens in a fair, honest and transparent manner. This process will never be shaken by anything as it is solid like a rock. We would like to examine the argument from some of our compatriots who have refused to move from this principle of nationalism as they feel by embracing patriotism is as good as allowing the official looting of our resources. We need to take stock as a nation and honestly we are far away from nationalism which was the bedrock of this nation.

Patriotism is an emotional attachment to a nation which an individual recognises as their country. This attachment, also known as national feeling or national pride, can be viewed in terms of different features relating to one’s own nation, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. The modern times has shown us that patriotism can be used as a carrot to advance individual interest at the expense of the majority of the citizens. Some people only show patriotism because of benefits due to them. The question we are asking the nation is the blue, black and white colours more embodied in nationalism or patriotism?

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