Press Release concerning the use of unilateral sanctions in solving international problems

Russia strongly condemns the desire of some countries to assign the right to determine the expediency and permissible parameters of legitimate cooperation between other states.

The unhealthy disposition of the United States and its allies to use unilateral sanctions as the main tool in solving various international problems causes a growing concern.

In the speech at the plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 7, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that the states that had previously advocated the principles of free trade, fair and open competition, suddenly spoke in the language of trade wars and sanctions, frank economic raiding with intimidation, elimination of competitors in non-market ways. Indeed, globalisation turns into a parody of itself when international law is replaced by some kind of national laws, administrative and judicial mechanisms of one country or a group of influential states, as the United States does today in an attempt to extend its jurisdiction to the whole world. Such a model not only contradicts the logic of normal interstate communication and the emerging realities of a multipolar world, but does not meet the challenges of the future. The fragmentation of global space through the forcible pushing of the selfish interests of individual countries is the path to endless conflicts, trade and bloody wars, fights without rules of all against all.

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