Remembering Seretse Khama

Former President Seretse Khama
Former President Seretse Khama

Facing our National Assembly in the nation’s capital is the monument to a monumental figure – Sir Seretse khama-the founding president of Botswana. So familiar are we with the statue such that it has been reduced to a mere physical entity adding aesthetic value to the city.

As we pass by the monument when going about our daily routines, a few of us stop to think how special and unique he was, what ideals he represented and fought for and how privileged and lucky we were as a nation to have him at the helm of government in the formative years of our sovereignty.

Judging by his own words and deeds, he seemed to have been this rare breed of African leader who never sought power, but power was thrust upon him? He was a visionary president ahead of time, a man of principle who never allowed conveniences of the moment to mortgage the future of the country and place at risk the principles of fairness, justice and democracy, which he cherished so dearly.  He set out to get Botswana on the road to democracy and never had second thoughts about this choice. The political climate in the sub region did not favour a democratic dispensation.

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