The good and ugly sides of Sata's two years in the saddle

Michael Sata
Michael Sata

It has been two years since the governing Patriotic Front (PF) formed the government in Zambia. The former opposition party assumed office on 23 September 2011 following the victory of its leader Michael Sata in the presidential election held on 20 September.

The party is almost half way through its first term of office as the next scheduled elections are in 2016. Assessments of the PF record in office are mixed. While the PF leadership believes that it is on course, the assessment of the opposition and other independent observers tends to be that Zambia has veered rather dangerously off-course under the stewardship of the PF.     

On this occasion voices from the PF were upbeat on the basis that the party was on course in all the four core areas of its manifesto namely education, health, agriculture and local government and expressed the optimism that more would be achieved in the next three years.

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