UDC condemns Hollywood style arrest

Former DIS boss Isaac Kgosi was arrested on Tuesday PIC: THALEFANG CHARLES
Former DIS boss Isaac Kgosi was arrested on Tuesday PIC: THALEFANG CHARLES

The Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC), has noted the recent arrest of former Head of Directorate of Intelligence and Security, (DIS) Isaac Kgosi.

In the past there have been several allegations of corruption leveled against Kgosi. His investigation, arrest and possible prosecution has been delayed under the watch of the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) government. As an organisation that is opposed to corruption, we welcome an investigation and an arrest of anyone suspected of involvement in such activities. Justice and fair trial should be dispensed to all regardless of their position.

We are however opposed to the Hollywood style arrest of suspects. Their right to dignity must be respected. This has always been our principled position and it will remain unchanged regardless of who the victim is. We also remain concerned about selective arrests.

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