Not wise putting all our eggs in EU basket
Thursday, May 23, 2013
It is also a fact that since Independence, the EU has been an invaluable market for our exports, especially beef, minerals and textiles in more recent years. Compared to other markets, the EU offers some of the best prices for these commodities.
However, in the context of events in the past three years, it is highly debatable whether Botswana's economy should cling on and pursue the EU market with dogged single-mindedness. These events include the delisting of Botswana beef exports from the EU and associated industry-wide malaise as well as the recent blowback of negotiations for a new Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA).
The Botswana Examination Council (BEC) released the BGCSE results for students who sat for Form 5 examinations in 2024.Whilst initially BEC released that only 3,673 candidates scored 36 points and above, the number was corrected to 6,521 during a press conference, which was held on Friday at the BEC boardroom.The set cut-off for government sponsorship is 36 points and sadly this means that only 6,521 will be eligible for the support and the...