Topias Marenga is BOPEU Secretary General , without any doubt

Topias Marenga is BOPEU Secretary General
Topias Marenga is BOPEU Secretary General

1. The Botswana Public Employees Union(BOPEU) have noted with concern that following High Court judge Justice Zein  Kebonang’s decision to refuse BOPEU General Secretary Topias Marenga’s application for joinder based  on some technicality an impression is being mischievously created by certain section of the local media,  for  sinister motives, to the effect that there could be some doubts or vacuum  as to the status or legality of Mr Marenga’s position in BOPEU,  specifically as to whether he is in or out of BOPEU as per the  recent decision of Justice Kebonang’s court regarding the matter  before him about the control of one of the union's bank account at standard chartered bank.

2.  Members of the public, stakeholders,  and indeed BOPEU members are advised to remain calm and dismiss such reports as malicious and indeed intentionally mischievous.

3.For the record BOPEU would like to state that the matter before Justice Kebonang confined itself only  with the control of the standard chartered bank account, and nothing more,  nothing less.

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